

True ceramics color management system

DURST-COLORGATE CMS, is the only true color management system designed and optimized for the real ceramic conditions and needs that takes into account any variation in production over time (glaze, glaze coloring, decoration conditions, ink changes, very small color gamut, need to produce the same identical product over time, etc.).

With Durst-ColorGATE CMS you can drastically reduce the time for repeating products over time in terms of testing and glazing line downtime. On the average to reach the same tone as the reference tile only 0 to 2 test runs are necessary, this thanks to the exclusive and patented "Fingerprint" technology.

Also when converting existing products made on a colored background to a white background, Durst-ColorGATE CMS provides the same speed and a precise matching of the tone in just a few simple steps.

Durst-ColorGATE CMS is also the only color management system which prevents image file deterioration when repeating jobs over time as it always creates the new printing files from the same original image files, rather than applying color corrections to an already corrected file where image data is lost with every ifrrection.

  • Strong reduction of the time for testing / machine downtime with only 0 to 2 test runs to achieve the final tone, thanks to the exclusive patented "Fingerprint" technology
  • Precise and repeatable reading of color batches on flat or structured surfaces thanks to the innovative patented Rapid Spectro Cube system
  • Measuring color batches in less than 1 minute
  • No image file deterioration when repeating jobs over time as Durst-ColorGATE CMS always creates the new printing files from the original image files
  • Visual Out-of-Gamut control (optional)
  • Support of Photoshop (.PSD and .PSB) and Big-TIFF file formats for processing large image files over 4GB, especially necessary for large size ceramic slabs (> 120x240cm)
  • Same and easy workflow for any design and production condition
  • Works with all digital printers produced by various manufacturers (up to 8 process colors with up to 6 additional channels for effect inks)


Comes complete with the stationary, high resolution Rapid Spectro Cube, ultrafast test target measurement system and comprehensive color management and scanner driver software with unique and patented FingerprintTM job repeating technology. In the following the details of the features included in the basic color management software.

Example illustrating the results of the first test run after an ink change and converting the files with Durst-ColorGATE CMS


  • High resolution Array Sensor Image Capturing Device for very fast and easy measuring of color charts.
  • Reads 10.000 patches in one shot; Total measure cycle < 1 min. independently from the number of patches.
  • Max. tile size is 60x60 cm, max. measuring area is 32x32 cm, minimum readable patch size is 2x2 mm
  • This reliably technology measures ceramic tiles in accordance with the human perception
  • Can read both flat or structured surfaces as well as glossy or matt surfaces
  • Accuracy is 80 % < 0.5 DE2000 Inter Instrument Agreement and in repetition.
  • Heavy duty drawer for easy tile loading


Shows through a preview the out of gamut colors. The preview shows which parts of the image and how much they are out of the destination color space by using a color code. This color code may be customized.


The RTM Retouch Module is recommened for all Durst and NON-Durst printers configured with more than 4 color bars to get a correct simulation/visualization for soft-proofing/correcting of such Multicolor files in Photoshop, which does accept multicolor profiles (CMYK profiles only). With the RTM module the DurstColorGATE CMS is the only color management system that can map the color space in Photoshop with multicolor profiles.


Saves all job process information, to be recalled once the job is reused in a second moment. Essential tool to create in a second moment additional Fingerprints at different format out of an already existing Fingerprint.

True ceramics color management system



True ceramics color management system

DURST-COLORGATE CMS, is the only true color management system designed and optimized for the real ceramic conditions and needs that takes into account any variation in production over time (glaze, glaze coloring, decoration conditions, ink changes, very small color gamut, need to produce the same identical product over time, etc.).

With Durst-ColorGATE CMS you can drastically reduce the time for repeating products over time in terms of testing and glazing line downtime. On the average to reach the same tone as the reference tile only 0 to 2 test runs are necessary, this thanks to the exclusive and patented "Fingerprint" technology.

Also when converting existing products made on a colored background to a white background, Durst-ColorGATE CMS provides the same speed and a precise matching of the tone in just a few simple steps.

Durst-ColorGATE CMS is also the only color management system which prevents image file deterioration when repeating jobs over time as it always creates the new printing files from the same original image files, rather than applying color corrections to an already corrected file where image data is lost with every ifrrection.

Key Features
  • Strong reduction of the time for testing / machine downtime with only 0 to 2 test runs to achieve the final tone, thanks to the exclusive patented "Fingerprint" technology
  • Precise and repeatable reading of color batches on flat or structured surfaces thanks to the innovative patented Rapid Spectro Cube system
  • Measuring color batches in less than 1 minute
  • No image file deterioration when repeating jobs over time as Durst-ColorGATE CMS always creates the new printing files from the original image files
  • Visual Out-of-Gamut control (optional)
  • Support of Photoshop (.PSD and .PSB) and Big-TIFF file formats for processing large image files over 4GB, especially necessary for large size ceramic slabs (> 120x240cm)
  • Same and easy workflow for any design and production condition
  • Works with all digital printers produced by various manufacturers (up to 8 process colors with up to 6 additional channels for effect inks)


Comes complete with the stationary, high resolution Rapid Spectro Cube, ultrafast test target measurement system and comprehensive color management and scanner driver software with unique and patented FingerprintTM job repeating technology. In the following the details of the features included in the basic color management software.

Example illustrating the results of the first test run after an ink change and converting the files with Durst-ColorGATE CMS


  • High resolution Array Sensor Image Capturing Device for very fast and easy measuring of color charts.
  • Reads 10.000 patches in one shot; Total measure cycle < 1 min. independently from the number of patches.
  • Max. tile size is 60x60 cm, max. measuring area is 32x32 cm, minimum readable patch size is 2x2 mm
  • This reliably technology measures ceramic tiles in accordance with the human perception
  • Can read both flat or structured surfaces as well as glossy or matt surfaces
  • Accuracy is 80 % < 0.5 DE2000 Inter Instrument Agreement and in repetition.
  • Heavy duty drawer for easy tile loading


Shows through a preview the out of gamut colors. The preview shows which parts of the image and how much they are out of the destination color space by using a color code. This color code may be customized.


The RTM Retouch Module is recommened for all Durst and NON-Durst printers configured with more than 4 color bars to get a correct simulation/visualization for soft-proofing/correcting of such Multicolor files in Photoshop, which does accept multicolor profiles (CMYK profiles only). With the RTM module the DurstColorGATE CMS is the only color management system that can map the color space in Photoshop with multicolor profiles.


Saves all job process information, to be recalled once the job is reused in a second moment. Essential tool to create in a second moment additional Fingerprints at different format out of an already existing Fingerprint.

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True ceramics color management system
